A. Kenzelmann AG

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Underground slot

CHF 130.-/month

3930 Visp

FOR RENT: Parking space in a garage box in a prime location in Visp

Are you looking for parking or storage space in the Lonza town in a perfect location right in the center? Look forward to the unique opportunity to rent a space in a spacious double garage box in the parking garage of an apartment building built in 2023. The garage box has an automatic gate and is ideally located in the front area of the parking garage. You rent half of the area, making up one space.

Many of Visp's attractions are within walking distance: The La Poste cultural and conference center with its varied and attractive program is within walking distance of the property. Banks, post offices, restaurants and shops are all in the immediate vicinity.

The largest employers in Visp - Lonza and the hospital center - are within walking distance.

Visp is very centrally located in the middle of Upper Valais. The good location has helped the town to establish itself as an attractive place to work and meet people. Visp offers many cultural events with the La Poste culture and conference center. The old town with its lovely cafes and shops is the perfect place to relax and enjoy yourself. Opportunities for football, tennis, ice hockey and much more can be found in the area. Spectacle and fun are the order of the day at EHC Visp's home games.

Further information

Built in 2023
Available on request
Reference 5070570

Flexible rental guarantee, with or without bank deposit

Plan your rental guarantee
and save 20%
Lease inception date
(Estimated) amount of rent guarantee i Amount of 3-month guarantee for rent calculated as an estimate. The exact amount will be mentioned in your lease agreement.
Your premium 2025 CHF CHF
Annual premium from 2026 From 2026 CHF
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Public transport
60m - 2 min
10m - 1 min
Nursery school
370m - 8 min
Primary schools
370m - 8 min


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    This property is proposed by

    A. Kenzelmann AG
    Englisch-Gruss-Strasse 17
    3902 Brig-Glis

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