COGERIM Société Coopérative

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Storage room

1258 Perly

Warehouses for rent in Perly

9 depots for rent from 13 to 33 m2, approximately CHF 120.-/m2/year at route de Saint-Julien 297-297a

Premises in the basement with easy access by a ramp, dimensions of the corridors and doors allowing the storage of pallets. Premises delivered raw, with electricity supply and a water point shared between the 9 depots.

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Registration at the following address:

Visit scheduled for the end of July 2022

Further information

Available on request
Reference Promotion Saint-Julien


New building

Flexible rental guarantee, with or without bank deposit


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    This property is proposed by

    COGERIM Société Coopérative
    Avenue de Châtelaine 81b
    1219 Châtelaine

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