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5 properties

Rent in the city of Cormondrèche

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Rent a apartment or a house in the city of Cormondrèche

Cormondrèche is located in Neuchâtel canton. proposes you 5 apartments or houses to rent in Cormondrèche. All properties to rent are proposed by agencies of this area.

Neuchâtel is the capital of the canton and district of the same name, located in the west of Switzerland and bordering Lake Neuchâtel. It is one of the great cities of Switzerland, with a solid and dynamic economy, various notable industries having been established there for several centuries. The biggest Swiss brands have been thriving in Neuchâtel for a long time, such as chocolate shops, watchmaking, microtechnology and biotechnology factories. All are famous in the world. No fewer than six prestigious museums describe in detail the sciences and the local culture, like automata designed from the 18th century. Neuchâtel has a wealth of cultural, cultural and theatrical heritage, and has plenty of theaters, festivals and other events, making it an international capital of talent, knowledge and music. Moreover, tourism in Neuchâtel is not the least! The horizons of the sumptuous Alps rising from the magnificent lake are breathtaking. Visiting, traveling and living in Neuchâtel is as exclusive as an ancient city modernized with brilliance and the calm of a relaxing landscape. offers apartments in Neuchâtel, a city of a great variety that one never leaves.
The condition of the real estate market in the city of Cormondrèche :