Comptoir Immobilier Sierre

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Building land

CHF 120'000.-

3961 St-Jean VS
1285 m²

Charming plot

This parcel is located in the Val d'Anniviers in the village of St-Jean. It is located in a charming small neighbourhood very close to nature. You will be able to enjoy pleasant sunshine and beautiful alpine scenery.

It has 1285 m2 of which 753 m2 are in a building area. The rest is in a reserved area.

This land is saleable for principal residence only.

The atypical village of Grimentz is just 6 minutes away by car and will allow you to enjoy all its amenities, such as restaurants, shops and also ski lifts with over 115 km of slopes.

Schools, banks, post offices and pharmacies are located in the village of Vissoie, less than 10 minutes away.

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1285 m² (surface areas)
Available on request
Reference 38622
Further information




Public transport
84m - 2 min
1922m - 39 min
Primary schools
1922m - 39 min


This property is proposed by

Comptoir Immobilier Sierre
Rue Rainer Maria Rilke 4
3960 Sierre

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