Valimmobilier SA

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Building land

CHF 220'000.-

1991 Salins

1991 Salins, Réf 5142478

For sale in Salins, commune of Sion, magnificent plot of 1,110 m2 offering, due to its position, a magnificent view and generous sunshine until late in the evening.

This plot of land is located in a beautiful, quiet, and bucolic setting, close to a pine forest that will allow you to escape your daily routine.
This land is ideal for the construction of a small building with 4 dwellings, a detached villa or semi-detached villas.

Salins is just a short drive from the town of Sion, so you can quickly take advantage of the many amenities the Valais capital has to offer (ideal for families).

The construction possibilities are as follows:

  • A small building with 4 apartments
  • Two adjoining villas without division of the plot
  • Two contiguous villas without division of the plot
  • A detached villa


  • Surface area: 1,110 m2
  • Price per m2: CHF 198.-
  • Area: Residential zone H30
  • Density: 0.5 (IBUS standard)
  • Building area: 333 m2
  • Type: Sloping, Equipment nearby
  • Not accessible by road

Would you like more information or the complete file? Contact me by phone or email and I will be happy to assist you.
I am also available for an on-site visit.

Further information

1110 m² (surface areas)
Available from now on
Reference 5142478


This property is proposed by

Valimmobilier SA
Avenue de la Gare 39
1964 Conthey

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