Les Forestiers du Jura

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Contact Les Forestiers du Jura

Marine Fontalba

Commercial 3 rooms

CHF 125'000.-

2900 Porrentruy
1 bathroom • 3 rooms

2900 Porrentruy, Réf 4821115

Located in the attractive rue du Faubourg de France in Porrentruy, this commercial premises is located on the ground floor of a renovated building.
The walls are made up of two rooms, a toilet and a reserve (vaulted cellar).
If a building permit is currently in force and allows the development of a Tea-Room, this premises can also accommodate numerous activities.

Further information

Ground floor
Available from now on
Reference 4821115


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    This property is proposed by

    Les Forestiers du Jura
    Cour-aux-Moines 10
    2900 Porrentruy

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    To visit

    Contact Les Forestiers du Jura

    Marine Fontalba

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