Neuschwander Immobilier Sàrl (Porrentruy)

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CHF 1'450'000.-

2942 Alle

2942 Alle, Réf 932027

For sale in the Alle industrial building business zone.
This building consists of offices, a cloakroom, closed rooms, work and storage areas as well as parking spaces.
In addition, it is equipped with a 10-ton hoist and a large workshop door for truck access.
Close to the motorway, 10 minutes from the French border and 35 minutes from Basel.

Further information

5810 m³
1529 m² (surface areas)
Built in 2008
Available from now on
Reference 932027


Waste water supply


Public transport
300m - 6 min


This property is proposed by

Neuschwander Immobilier Sàrl (Porrentruy)
Rue du Jura 35
2900 Porrentruy

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