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CHF 1'290'000.-

1697 La Joux FR

1697 La Joux FR, Réf 5184164

On the heights of the commune of Vuisternens-en-Ogoz in La Joux, this plot of 3,611m² is located in a mixed zone.

It is composed of:
- a 255m² hall (18.60mx 13.60m and 7.50m high) with a palland capable of lifting up to 5 tonnes
- a 325m² workshop (23.13mx 12.41m and 3.50m high) + attic over 325m² workshop
- a 78m² workshop (9.35mx 8.36m and 3.90m high) + a 55m² mezzanine
- a basement of 46m²
- a 5.5 room apartment of 110m2 in triplex

The apartment and the various rooms (except the hall) are heated by a wood-fired heating system replaced in 2023. The heating costs are therefore very advantageous.

The apartment is currently rented for CHF 1,500.00 per month and the hall for CHF 1,300.00 per month.

This property can also constitute a profitable property by projecting an annual rental statement estimated at around CHF 70,000.00.

Contact us for further information or to arrange a visit.

Further information

3611 m² (surface areas)
Built in 1987
Available from now on
Reference 5184164


3339m - 67 min


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    This property is proposed by

    Favre-Naudeix Immobilier
    Avenue de Tivoli 5
    1700 Fribourg

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