Luxury Places SA

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Single house 20 rooms

1814 La Tour-de-Peilz
850 m² • 10 bedrooms • 10 bathrooms • 20 rooms

Exceptional property in front lake close to Montreux

This somptuous property located in front lake close to Montreux is the wonderful work of the famous architect Adolf Loos who began the entire renovation at the beginning of the century in 1903.
This Karma villa was its most important plan where he tried out with success the mix of precious and fine materials.
He was avant –gardist, modern, he made original plans with very innovative architecture details known by all architects of our century.
All rooms are very unique. The entrance combines dark and white marble on the floor with rose-coloured marble on the wall and golden tiles on ceiling.
The library with precious woods, the main living room with huge size offer a tremendous view on the lake and the montains.
The bathroom , exceptional room with dark marble, bronze doors, mirror reflecting the lake and several other architecture details are astonishing.
The garden of around 14'000sqm directly acceeds to the lake with a private harbour. A large swimming pool is part of this luxurious and greeny peaceful plot.
Close to transportations, international schools, this property could be suitable for a museum, foundation or administration headquarters.

Further information

14000 m² (surface areas)
Built in 1903
Available from now on
Reference 80010


This property is proposed by

Luxury Places SA
Rue du Grand-Pont 2 bis
1003 Lausanne

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