1008 Jouxtens-Mézery is located in the District of Lausanne, in the Canton of Vaud. The population in the political commune of Jouxtens-Mézery has varied over the past five years by an average of +0.3% per year, amounting to 1,493 inhabitants (Status on 31 Dec. 2023). The tax rate is 14.1% (canton: 14.7%). Over the past five years, housing construction in the commune has averaged 1.0% per year, while the current vacancy rate is 2.7% (Status on 1 Jun. 2024). Real estate prices have varied by +11.1% over the past five years (canton: +22.4%).
1008 Jouxtens-Mézery is located in the District of Lausanne, in the Canton of Vaud. The population in the political commune of Jouxtens-Mézery has varied over the past five years by an average of +0.3% per year, amounting to 1,493 inhabitants (Status on 31 Dec. 2023). The tax rate is 14.1% (canton: 14.7%). Over the past five years, housing construction in the commune has averaged 1.0% per year, while the current vacancy rate is 2.7% (Status on 1 Jun. 2024). Real estate prices have varied by +11.1% over the past five years (canton: +22.4%).