Wealth Investment Network - WENET AG

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Single house 5.5 rooms

3918 Wiler (Lötschen)
179 m² • 5.5 rooms

Alpine elegance meets luxury

Experience the unique feeling of living in this exclusive house above the clouds. This exceptional single-family home in first-class condition will inspire you. With its high-quality furnishings, it offers luxurious living at the highest level and fulfills every wish.

At a glance:
+ PRIVACY: unrestricted retreat in all respects,
not visible
+ EXCLUSIVITY: Sauna, Jacuzzi
+ CONDITION: continuously very well maintained, ready to move in, no
investment needs
+ CONSTRUCTION QUALITY: solid chalet, parquet
+ PARKING SPACES: 1 garage space and 2 outdoor parking spaces included

If you are interested, we will be happy to send you a detailed property description including all information and look forward to advising you personally at a viewing appointment.

WENET AG – Real estate of KI Group AG since 1974.

Further information

3 levels
720 m² (surface areas)
Built in 2004
Renovated in 2024
Available on request
Reference 5000780.2442851


Swimming pool


This property is proposed by

Wealth Investment Network - WENET AG
Baarerstrasse 82
6300 Zug

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