Cardis SA

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Chalet 5.5 rooms

CHF 1'125'000.-

1872 Troistorrents
170 m² • 4 bedrooms • 3 bathrooms • 5.5 rooms

5.5 PCES chalet with panoramic view 2 garages and covered parking spac

Ideally located in Troistorrents in a dominant position on a plot of over 700² and benefiting from a magnificent unobstructed view of the surrounding mountains, this chalet is ideal for a primary or secondary residence.

- Built in 2006, in excellent condition
- 15 minutes from the Portes du Soleil
- Meticulous finishes, screens on all windows
- 3 outdoor parking spaces, two garages and two covered parking spaces
- Primary or secondary residence

Further information

960 m³
650 m² (surface areas)
220 m² (usable areas)
Built in 2006
Available on request
Reference 040895OFM


Children friendly


2426m - 49 min
Primary schools
155m - 4 min


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    This property is proposed by

    Cardis SA
    Avenue de la Gare 46B
    1920 Martigny

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