RE/MAX Immobilien in Saas-Fee

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Single house 9 rooms

CHF 2'850'000.-

3906 Saas-Fee
200 m² • 9 rooms

Unique chance to win a single chalet on the Hohnegg plateau

On the Hohnegg Plateau, high above Saas-Fee, the fantastic Chalet Sternschnuppe is for sale. Chalet Sternschnuppe offers the best possible view over the village of Saas-Fee and the beautiful mountains. The village center can be reached in 10-15 minutes on foot.

The chalet has 3 floors:
On the lower floor there is the cellar, a wooden locker and the TV room. Further south facing is the huge laundry room with a modern machine and an office hobby room. There are plans to convert the office and hobby room into a wellness room; all the connections for this are already in place. The laundry room and the office and hobby room share a spacious terrace and a large forecourt.

There is a garage on the middle floor, which is now used as an entrance area. On this floor there is also the master bedroom, the separate kitchen and the separate living room. The living room and kitchen could easily be combined if desired. The balcony with exit from the kitchen

Further information

3 levels
1250 m² (surface areas)
Built in 2004
Available on request
Reference 116400006-134




This property is proposed by

RE/MAX Immobilien in Saas-Fee
Obere Dorfstrasse 62
3906 Saas-Fee

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