RE/MAX Immobilien in Visp

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Single house 4 rooms

CHF 395'000.-

3942 Raron
83 m² • 4 rooms

Rare jewel with beautiful view

This gem is located at about 1090 m above sea level above Raron on the southern ramp in the hamlet of Ritzibodu. The hamlet can be reached by car from spring to late autumn. The peace and quiet and the extremely sunny location make it the ideal place for those seeking relaxation all year round.

The house, built in 1647, was professionally and authentically renovated by local craftsmen in 1990.
Two bedrooms and an anteroom with sleeping facilities offer space for up to 6 people.
The living room and the kitchen are on one level.
The property has been lovingly adapted to today's needs, while deliberately retaining the original materials and details.

A solar system with batteries easily supplies the house with electrical energy. Hot water is generated with gas, and cooking is also done with gas. Heating is provided by a wood stove.
The roof is beautifully covered with traditional stone tiles. The beautiful forecourt serves as a seating area with a magnificent view over the Rhone Valley. A large awning provides plenty of shade in midsummer.

The car can easily be parked on the street about 50 meters above the house.

Further information

3 levels
181 m² (surface areas)
Built in 1647
Available on request
Reference 119091001-280


This property is proposed by

RE/MAX Immobilien in Visp
Märtmattenstrasse 3
3930 Visp

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