ADM Immobilier Sàrl

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Single house

CHF 800'000.-

1912 Leytron
220 m²

1912 Leytron, Réf 4722659

Located at the exit of the village of Leytron, at the start of the road leading to Ovronnaz, this historic building dating from 1913 will delight lovers of architecture and painting. Indeed, the building, listed as cantonal heritage, is made up of three corner towers and the ground floor is decorated with murals by Charles Wüthrich.

Currently the ground floor is used as a café and the upper floors as accommodation. The building has an interesting volume (around 2,000 m3) in the event of renovation/transformation of the premises.

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244 m² (surface areas)
Available on request
Reference 4722659




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    This property is proposed by

    ADM Immobilier Sàrl
    Route de Riddes 20
    1912 Leytron

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