Pro Immob SA

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Residential building

CHF 1'940'000.-

2400 Le Locle

2400 Le Locle, Réf Envers 64_LL

Located in the Neuchâtel mountains, the building is in the center of Le Locle. It consists of two properties with two independent entrances, one overlooking rue des Envers 64 and the other at rue Jehan-Droz 15.
The building is close to shops, banks, post office, restaurants, schools and various cultural venues.

A bus stop is a few steps from the building and the CFF train station is a 10-minute walk away.

On six levels, it is made up of several apartments with 3 to 4 rooms, a restaurant and a shop on the ground floor as well as a deposit in the basement.

The heating is distributed by radiators which are powered by a gas boiler.

This building also has three outdoor parking spaces.

Further information

435 m² (surface areas)
Built in 1902
Available from now on
Reference Envers 64_LL


209m - 5 min
Primary schools
108m - 3 min


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    This property is proposed by

    Pro Immob SA
    Avenue Léopold-Robert 36
    2300 La Chaux-de-Fonds

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