Associés courtiers SA

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Residential building

CHF 3'840'000.-

2206 Les Geneveys-sur-Coffrane
662 m²

2206 Les Geneveys-sur-Coffrane, Réf Les geneveys-sur-Coffrane

Les Geneveys-sur-Coffrane is a town in Val-de-Ruz, located 11 km from Neuchâtel and 13 km from La Chaux-de-Fonds. The interchange to the motorway linking these two towns is 3 km away. It is served by train (CFF Neuchâtel - La Chaux-de-Fonds line) and by bus. The town includes various shops (pharmacy, butcher's, bakery, hairdresser, etc.) and public establishments, a post office, a municipal branch, a primary school (cycles 1 and 2), as well as a sports centre with swimming pool. The secondary school is in Boudevilliers (cycle 3).

The town includes various shops and public establishments, a post office, a municipal branch, a primary school and a sports centre with swimming pool. The secondary school is located in Boudvilliers. The building is located in a quiet environment, protected from noise pollution. The proximity of the village centre, public transport and the CFF train station allows everyone to access shops and the town while living in a serene and charming setting.

The building is composed of 6 apartments of 3.5 rooms and 4.5 rooms, spread over 3 floors and connected by a shared underground garage. This residential area is located in a calm and secure environment, allowing children to occupy the surroundings of the buildings without risk. A large shaded esplanade is set up in the heart of the residence, a place conducive to neighborhood interactions.

The ground floor apartments are served by pedestrian walkways and all offer a private garden. Those on the upper floors are distributed by corridors, all served by a lift communicating with the level of the collective garage, where there are also secondary and technical rooms. The apartments are spacious and very sunny, due to the location and the spacing of the buildings, which have been designed to offer the best quality of life.

Location: Rue de la Gare 2

  • 1 3.5 room apartment
  • 3 apartments of 4.5 rooms
  • 2 duplexes of 4.5 rooms


  • Collective garage
  • Warehouse, CVSE technical premises, pellet storage,
  • Laundry room, bicycle storage, PC shelter and cellars
  • Visitor parking spaces

Selling price: CHF 3,840,000.-
Net yield: 4.25%

Projected net rental income: CHF 163,200.-/year
Charges: CHF 13,920.-/year

For any further information, please contact Associés Courtiers SA.

Further information

Built in 2024
Available on request
Reference Les geneveys-sur-Coffrane


Children friendly
Has wheelchair access
New building
Minergie certified


232m - 5 min
Nursery school
368m - 8 min
Primary schools
368m - 8 min
Secondary schools
601m - 13 min


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    This property is proposed by

    Associés courtiers SA
    Rue William-Haldimand 17
    1003 Lausanne

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