Centrum Immo

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Residential building

CHF 1'100'000.-

2088 Cressier NE
280 m²

Pretty, atypical village house with charm and character.

Pretty atypical village house with charm and character. 2 apartments with a commercial premises, integrated individual garage. This house dating from 1902 is a great opportunity for a family who wants to acquire a first property while benefiting from potential rental income. Everything is rented to date.
Typology: 1 5.5 room duplex apartment, 1 3.5 room apartment, contract in the process of being terminated, as well as an equipped commercial premises.

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1201 m³
Built in 1902
Renovated in 2022
Available from now on
Reference 1502659




This property is proposed by

Centrum Immo
Rue de la Plaine 25
1400 Yverdon-les-Bains

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