Les Forestiers du Jura

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Marine Fontalba

Single house 5.5 rooms

CHF 148'000.-

2943 Vendlincourt
4 bedrooms • 1 bathroom • 5.5 rooms

2943 Vendlincourt, Réf 4964691

This house offers the opportunity to transform a former grocery store into a charming family home, located in the heart of Vendlincourt, along Route Principale 30.

The house is composed as follows:
On the ground floor: a kitchen, a workshop, a bathroom, a storeroom, a shop.
On the first floor: one bedroom and two adjoining bedrooms opening onto the balcony.
In the attic: a bedroom and an attic.

Main features:

  • Ideal Location: Nestled along Route Principale 30, this property benefits from excellent visibility and convenient access to local amenities.
  • Renovation potential: The home includes a former grocery store on the ground floor, offering space to redevelop according to your needs and vision.
  • Double Garage: A double garage is included, providing secure and additional parking space for your vehicles or for storage.

Further information

863 m² (surface areas)
Available from now on
Reference 4964691


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    This property is proposed by

    Les Forestiers du Jura
    Cour-aux-Moines 10
    2900 Porrentruy

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    Contact Les Forestiers du Jura

    Marine Fontalba

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