immobilier - Sàrl

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CHF 790'000.-

2400 Le Locle

Beautiful investment property ideally located, comprising a commercial premises and three apartments

Investment property comprising three apartments and a restaurant with terrace

This mixed-use building offers excellent yield potential thanks to its location on a busy road. It has three apartments as well as a commercial premises, previously operated as a restaurant.

The location is privileged, close to public transport, shops and schools.

The building consists of:

A commercial premises on the ground floor, with a terrace, vacant.
A 4.5 room apartment on the first floor, vacant.
A 3.5 room apartment on the second floor, rented.
A 4.5 room apartment on the third floor, rented.

For any additional information, the organization of a visit or the study of documents such as leases, charges and the cadastral plan, Mr. Yoan Endres is at your disposal to accompany you in the discovery of this property and help you evaluate its potential.

The technical data and information given in this document are not contractual.

If you require any further information, please feel free to contact us in English.

Falls If you have further information, you can also contact us in German.

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Further information

1900 m³
Built in 1902
Available on request
Reference IMM-16.1543983.57aea1ee-e45c-11ef-a039-069ae14c7a06


Children friendly
Gas supply


This property is proposed by

immobilier - Sàrl
du Progrès 2a
La Chaux-de-Fonds

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