Hypoimmo SA

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CHF 1'300'000.-

2300 La Chaux-de-Fonds

Beautiful building including a renowned restaurant and a 9-room apartment surrounded by nature

It is on a vast bucolic plot that this magnificent building, dating from the end of the 19th century, stands in an idyllic setting at the gates of the watchmaking city.

Today housing a renowned public establishment, it is made up of a restaurant with three different rooms, kitchens, storage rooms and toilets, a large terrace and a large car park, which make it an efficient working tool, complemented by a 9-room apartment.

This impressive volume can also be redesigned to accommodate other activities or be transformed into housing.

Further information

3 levels
3333 m³
2983 m² (surface areas)
Built in 1902
Available on request
Reference Les Grandes-Crosettes 13.1486197.e22a9c9d-7ef9-11ef-a039-069ae14c7a06




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    This property is proposed by

    Hypoimmo SA
    Rue du Pont 6
    2400 Le Locle

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