Neuschwander Immobilier Sàrl

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CHF 1'300'000.-

2800 Delémont
8 bedrooms • 5 bathrooms

Ideal work tool with excellent reputation

This mythical, renowned and highly sought-after establishment in the town of Delémont comprises 1 restaurant, 1 dining room, 8 hotel rooms, 1 staff apartment and 1 magnificent 80-seat outdoor terrace. Operated for decades by the same family, it is quite simply an ideal and exceptional working tool for a couple of qualified professionals oriented towards bourgeois and traditional cuisine.
Renovation work is not required at present, as this hotel/restaurant must retain its belle époque soul at all costs, which is what gives it its charm.
This property is protected and a magnificent fresco adorns the building's east facade.

Such a renowned sign is really very rare to find.

To be visited without delay !

Accessibility : Delémont being located by car at :

- 20 minutes from Porrentruy
- 40 minutes from Belfort TGV station
- 35 minutes from Biel
- 55 minutes from Basel
- 1h10 from Neuchâtel
- 1h55 from Lausanne

Further information

212 m² (surface areas)
Available on request
Reference V-012223


Children friendly
Has wheelchair access


Public transport
25m - 1 min
687m - 14 min
Nursery school
384m - 8 min
Primary schools
193m - 4 min
Secondary schools
500m - 10 min


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    This property is proposed by

    Neuschwander Immobilier Sàrl
    Maltière 7
    2800 Delémont

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    Contact Benjamin Neuschwander

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