RE/MAX Immobilien in Brig

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Apartment 5.5 rooms

CHF 1'100'000.-

3942 Raron
173 m² • 5.5 rooms

5.5 room attic apartment in the "Bietschi" development in Raron

In the "Bietschi" area, a development with five apartment buildings, three shops and a central garage will be built by the end of 2023. The offer includes rental apartments (House E) and condominiums in houses A - D and 3 1/2 - to 5 1/2 - room apartments. The first apartments in House E and House D will be ready for occupancy in summer/autumn 2022.

The offered 5 1/2 room attic apartment is located in house C. Thanks to the very spacious floor plan resp. the living space and the beautiful terrace make you feel like you are in a family home. The interior design can be determined by the buyer. The move-in date for the apartment is in autumn 2023. I am at your disposal for any further questions or a non-binding inspection.

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Available on request
Reference 110400002-498




This property is proposed by

RE/MAX Immobilien in Brig
Furkastrasse 7
3900 Brig

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