Jol'Immo Sàrl

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Apartment 4 rooms

CHF 270'000.-

2822 Courroux
103 m² • 4 rooms

"""With right of residence"" Beautiful apartment with terrace at the entrance to the village "

4 ½ room apartment on the upper ground floor with residential rights.

In a small block of 8 apartments very well located at the entrance to Courroux and set back from the main road with south-facing terrace and playground.

A stone's throw from Delémont and all amenities, shops, pharmacy, school, restaurant, bus, etc.

Right of residence:

  • Ages: Male = 72 years and Female = 72 years

  • Price: CHF 270,000.- instead of CHF 415,000.- What is the right of habitation?[hash]03cda8e9-qu-est-ce-que-le-droit-d-habitation

    Further information

    Built in 1990
    Available on request
    Reference X8PQ-EGMK-356


    Children friendly


    This property is proposed by

    Jol'Immo Sàrl
    La Claverie 1A
    2853 Haute-Sorne

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    To visit

    Contact Françoise Loriol

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