Jol'Immo Sàrl

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Duplex 5 rooms

CHF 555'000.-

2853 Courfaivre
118 m² • 5 rooms

Fully renovated apartment with private exterior

Completely renovated duplex apartment in an old farmhouse with a private terrace and individual access.

It consists of:

On the ground floor:


A corridor, a kitchen, a dining room, an office, a laundry room and a bathroom

On the 1st floor:


Three bedrooms and one bathroom



A private terrace area and two garages

Do not hesitate to visit this exceptional property

Further information

2 levels
2045 m³
126 m² (usable areas)
Built in 1900
Renovated in 2019
Available on request
Reference E8DL-9PWY-659


Children friendly


Public transport
100m - 2 min
3300m - 66 min
Nursery school
20m - 1 min
Primary schools
180m - 4 min
Secondary schools
4500m - 90 min


This property is proposed by

Jol'Immo Sàrl
La Claverie 1A
2800 Delémont

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Contact Françoise Loriol

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