Les Forestiers du Jura

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Contact Les Forestiers du Jura

Marine Fontalba


CHF 125'000.-

2906 Chevenez
94 m² • 1 bedroom • 2 bathrooms

2906 Chevenez, Réf 3183742

Located on the lower ground floor of a PPE building in Chevenez, this 95 m2 object can be transformed into a 2.5 room apartment, a loft or even be used as an office.
Possibility of having parking spaces.

Further information

Ground floor
Available from now on
Reference 3183742


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    This property is proposed by

    Les Forestiers du Jura
    Cour-aux-Moines 10
    2900 Porrentruy

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    To visit

    Contact Les Forestiers du Jura

    Marine Fontalba

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