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Buy in the city of Vuadens

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Buy a apartment or a house in the city of Vuadens

Vuadens is located in Fribourg canton. proposes you 1 apartment or house to buy in Vuadens. All properties to buy are proposed by agencies of this area.

Vuadens is a town located 803 meters above the sea, dependent on the district of Gruyère. It has an area of ??1044ha, with a population of 2282 souls. Vuadens is one of the member municipalities of the "La Sionge Forestry Triage Corporation", which works to improve the management of forests and their monitoring and exploitation. The Witches' Trail in the heart of the Gruyère is the object of hiking, going from one side to the other of the stream of the Aune. The ski-club "Colombettes" created in 1935, managed by the association OJ, has more than thirty instructors, all volunteers. It is dedicated to the promotion of winter sports. The Vuydens cheese dairy, which is located in an old butcher's shop, is located opposite the former premises of the Guigoz house, which was closed in the 80's. The church of Saint-Sylvestre, with its six bells, was the first parish church in the area. Future real estate investor in Vuedens, contact the real estate!
The condition of the real estate market in the city of Vuadens :