Von Graffenried AG Vermarktung

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Mixed use property

CHF 4'000'000.-

4900 Langenthal
907 m²

majority shares in modern residential and commercial building

The property at Bahnhofstrasse 26 is located just a few meters south of the train station, between the station and the center of Langenthal in a well-connected location.

The modern building was constructed in 1998 and has six floors. Five floors are for sale with a value ratio of 86,529/100,000. The floors include eight outdoor parking spaces and 12 parking spaces.

The property is fully let and generates an annual net rental income of CHF 225,996. This corresponds to a gross return of 5.65%.

In the course of the sale, a 10-year leaseback agreement will be concluded with the seller for the entire first floor and approximately half of the second floor.

The central location and the good rental situation make the property an extremely interesting investment opportunity.

For further information please contact us.

Further information

6638 m³
907 m² (usable areas)
Built in 1998
Available on request
Reference 1496667.617f3c91-8d36-11ef-a039-069ae14c7a06


Has wheelchair access


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    This property is proposed by

    Von Graffenried AG Vermarktung
    Marktgass-Passage 3
    3011 Bern

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