Société Coopérative Migros Genève - Service Immobilier & Expansion

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1260 Nyon

Nyon-La Combe shopping center

The shopping center is located in the inner city of Nyon, easily accessible thanks to its proximity to the CFF station.

It is made up of 36 brands as well as 700 parking spaces.

The arcade with an area of approximately 61 m2 is located on the 1st floor, a deposit is also available


For any further information, we are at your disposal at the following address:



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Available from now on
Reference Arcade à louer

Flexible rental guarantee, with or without bank deposit


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    This property is proposed by

    Société Coopérative Migros Genève - Service Immobilier & Expansion
    Rue Alexandre-Gavard 35
    1227 Carouge GE

    To visit

    Contact Service Immobilier Migros Genève

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