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CHF 410'000.-

1648 Hauteville

1648 Hauteville, Réf 1648-719

The chalet is located at an altitude of 1,485 meters, on a grassy ridge between the North and South slopes, in a dominant position, in the pastures.

This place, well known to Friborg residents, is used as a restaurant/refreshment bar/refuge for the Berra ski area in winter and a hiking lodge-refreshment bar in summer.

In winter, it is accessible on skis or by hikers (snowshoes).

In summer, by walkers or mountain bikers by taking the telemix located at the foot of the Berra, then descent on foot or mountain bike, via the Brand car park (approx. 1h30 walk) or the Bottey car park next to the Couvent de la Valsainte, in the town of Cerniat (approx. 1 hour walk). It is also accessible by road, which is not very passable.

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Reference 1648-719


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    1701 Fribourg

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