RE/MAX Immobilien in Freiburg

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Furnished flat 6 rooms

CHF 620'000.-

2300 La Chaux-de-Fonds
152 m² • 6 rooms

6 room condominium with balcony and beautiful view over the city

Beautiful apartment on a 6th floor with a large balcony and 6 bedrooms, kitchen, 2 bathrooms, parquet part, cave; à l'origine, 2 apartments réunis;


Beautiful condominium on the 6th floor of an apartment building with large balcony and 6 rooms, 2 bathrooms, partly parquet flooring, basement room; originally made up of 2 apartments;

Further information

6 levels
Built in 1988
Available from now on
Reference 119451002-19400608




This property is proposed by

RE/MAX Immobilien in Freiburg
Rue de Lausanne 45
1700 Fribourg

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