MPI Marc Progin Immobilier SA

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Mixed use property

CHF 950'000.-

1642 Sorens

1642 Sorens, Réf 5187244

Mixed-use building constructed in the years 1989/1990, i.e. article No. 1268 of the commune of Sorens.
The commercial part, consisting of the basement and the ground floor of the building, has been used since its construction as a grocery store with 5 parking spaces usable during opening hours.
This commercial part can naturally be used for other purposes.
The upper level of the building consists of a 4/5 room villa on 2 levels with a large terrace and a garden on the south, east and north sides.

Further information

1867 m³
369 m² (surface areas)
Available on request
Reference 5187244




100m - 2 min
Primary schools
500m - 10 min
Secondary schools
5000m - 100 min


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    This property is proposed by

    MPI Marc Progin Immobilier SA
    C.P. 249
    1630 Bulle

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