Luxury Places SA

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Single house 13 rooms

1223 Cologny
650 m² • 8 bedrooms • 13 rooms

Sumptuous Estate 5min away from Geneva center. Cologny

This unique property, steeped in history, is one of the jewels of Geneva's heritage with its authentic charm preserved.
It is built on a very beautiful plot of over 6'000m2 located 5 minutes from Geneva city-center.

Due to the exceptional quality of the property and for confidential purposes, the file cannot be communicated without a preliminary discussion.
We remain available if you would like to receive more information.

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6000 m² (surface areas)
Available on request
Reference 3328861


This property is proposed by

Luxury Places SA
Rue du Grand-Pont 2 bis
1003 Lausanne

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