Loreto1 Trading SA

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Underground slot

CHF 30'000.-

1950 Sion

Parking spaces for sale in Aproz (Sion)

Indoor parking spaces of your choice: CHF 30,000 per unit

The Résidence Lorenzo 1 is ideally located in the Rhone plain, a 10-minute drive from Sion town centre and an 8-minute drive from the Châteauneuf-Conthey shopping area, thus benefiting from all the amenities.

This district is part of the Commune of Sion.

-Banks of the Rhone
-Domaine of the Islands
- Post office stop, village grocery store, bank
-Nendaz 4 Vallées ski resorts 13 km away

Further information

Available from now on
Reference 761877


This property is proposed by

Loreto1 Trading SA
Avenue de la Gare 14
1950 Sion

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