Loreto1 Trading SA

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Apartment 3.5 rooms

CHF 605'000.-

1950 Sion
98 m² • 3.5 rooms

3.5 room apartment for sale in Aproz (Sion)

Apartment D01

- Spacious and bright
- Equipped kitchen open to the living room
- 2 bedrooms
- 1 bathroom with shower
- 1 bathroom with bathtub
- Large terrace
- Garden
- 1 cellar (75) (included in the displayed sales price)
- 1 outdoor parking space (P39) (not included in the displayed sales price)

Attached outdoor parking space: CHF 10,000.-
Indoor parking space: CHF 30,000.-

This apartment is already rented and only available for sale to investors.

Further information

Ground floor
83 m² (surface areas)
136 m² (usable areas)
Built in 2019
Available from now on
Reference 714806




This property is proposed by

Loreto1 Trading SA
Avenue de la Gare 14
1950 Sion

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