Loreto1 Trading SA

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CHF 1'369'000.-

1957 Ardon
327 m²

Commercial premises for sale rented in Ardon

The residence "Le Vignoble" is located in the heart of the village of Ardon where there are cafes and restaurants.
Enjoy magnificent mountain views and optimal sunshine just a stone's throw from a large shopping area.

This Minergie construction of 74 apartments and 4 commercial premises benefits from quality finishes.

-Sion 10 km away
-The Conthey shopping area is a 5-minute drive away.

This large premises (A001) benefits from good visibility, large windows, a beautiful terrace, a kitchen and a toilet area.

Indoor parking spaces: CHF 25,000 per unit extra.


Do not hesitate to contact us for more information!

Further information

Ground floor
327 m² (usable areas)
Built in 2018
Available from now on
Reference 726320




This property is proposed by

Loreto1 Trading SA
Avenue de la Gare 14
1950 Sion

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