Immobilier du Pont Sàrl

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Chalet 5.5 rooms

CHF 1'175'000.-

1918 La Tzoumaz
110 m² • 4 bedrooms • 2 bathrooms • 5.5 rooms

1918 La Tzoumaz, Réf 5070138

Very well maintained and ideally located in a peaceful area, this chalet is composed as follows:

Ground floor :

Spacious entrance hall
Bathroom with shower
Technical area
Open kitchen with access to the terrace
Bright living area and view of the mountains from the dining area

Floor - attic:

2 double bedrooms with access to the balcony
A bedroom with 2 beds
A room under roof dormitory / office

**Accessible in winter**
**Available for foreigners and second homes**

Further information

647 m² (surface areas)
Built in 2008
Available on request
Reference 5070138




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    This property is proposed by

    Immobilier du Pont Sàrl
    Route de Mauvoisin 7
    1934 Le Châble VS

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