Gerama SA

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Farm house

CHF 1'150'000.-

1784 Wallenried
450 m²

1784 Wallenried, Réf FER-G-1002

This picturesque farmhouse dating from 1721, partially renovated in 2012, awaits restoration with love and passion. Steeped in history, this property of 1354 m² of land offers a green and peaceful setting. It is located in a charming village, close to a bus stop and not far from Courtepin station, where you will find the main amenities (shops, bank, post office, etc.).

Today it consists of 3 apartments: the body of building no. 21 has 2 accommodations (dwellings 1 and 2) and no. 21a has one accommodation (dwelling 3). It should be noted that this property has certain potential.

This authentic property has a beautiful plot of land nicely planted with fruit trees and floral plants, a pond and a pergola. It embodies calm and tranquility. With its friendly atmosphere for children, its primary school nearby, its quick access to golf and various necessary services, this farm is the ideal place to create a peaceful refuge in a natural environment.

Right to a water source!

The building is made up of three independent entrances. Entrance No. 21 is classified “C” in the Friborg property heritage list.

Various indoor and outdoor parking spaces, a deposit and a cellar complete this property.

Give free rein to your imagination to bring this house steeped in history back to life!

Further information

2335 m³
1354 m² (surface areas)
Built in 1800
Renovated in 2012
Available from now on
Reference FER-G-1002


Children friendly
Swimming pool


1090m - 22 min
Primary schools
1495m - 30 min


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    This property is proposed by

    Gerama SA
    Place de la Gare 5
    1701 Fribourg

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