Gasser Immobilier

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Single house 8 rooms

CHF 1'350'000.-

1637 Charmey (Gruyère)
300 m² • 5 bedrooms • 8 rooms

1637 Charmey (Gruyère), Réf maison village Charmey

This beautiful village house of approximately 300 m2 of living space nestled in the heart of the village of Charmey and completely renovated with taste is spread over two levels.
The attic space that can be converted into a home is equipped with water and electricity.

It is composed of two apartments (3.5 rooms and 4.5 rooms) used until now as a single dwelling. A simple partition would make it possible to create two dwellings, each with its own access.

Distributed as follows:

3.5 room single storey apartment:
1 habitable kitchen
1 stay
1 dining room
2 bedrooms
2 bathrooms
1 laundry and storage area
1 new shared heating room accessible from this apartment only
1 small terrace in front of the house

4.5 room upstairs apartment:
1 habitable kitchen
1 stay
1 dining room
3 bedrooms
2 bathrooms
1 dressing
1 access to the attic

at the back of the building 2 terraces

Further information

397 m² (surface areas)
Built in 1850
Renovated in 2010
Available on request
Reference maison village Charmey


Primary schools
300m - 6 min


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    This property is proposed by

    Gasser Immobilier
    Ch. du Champ Raboud 12
    1647 Corbières

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