Compagnie Immobilière Romande - Neuchâtel

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Residential building

CHF 890'000.-

2520 La Neuveville
450 m²

Character building in the center of the village

Don't miss this character building with several apartments in La Neuveville.

Close to the historic city center, it has 4 apartments to renovate as well as a commercial area that could be converted into housing.
The building requires major work (roof, electricity).

Be among the first to discover the potential of this property and its view of the lake (3rd and 4th floor)

Further information

4 levels
250 m² (surface areas)
500 m² (usable areas)
Built in 1800
Available on request
Reference AKQP-2WP8-609




This property is proposed by

Compagnie Immobilière Romande - Neuchâtel
Chemin des Longues Raies 13
2013 Milvignes

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