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Single house 12 rooms

CHF 1'690'000.-

1728 Rossens FR
350 m² • 6 bedrooms • 3 bathrooms • 12 rooms

1728 Rossens FR, Réf RO622

File, information and visits only by sending us your request with your full contact details (including postal address).

Spacious renovated farmhouse composed of 2 apartments for a total surface area of more than 350m2.

The main part is made up of a spacious kitchen giving access to the veranda with stove, living room, 4 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. On the second floor is the 4.5 room apartment with a bedroom with a completely independent bathroom. Numerous storage spaces available.

The property has been regularly maintained but will however require work to refresh and improve energy efficiency.

A promotion of 6 villas and 3 apartments is planned in the main park. Everything is done to preserve the privacy of the ~800m2 of land on the farm.

Further information

848 m² (surface areas)
Built in 1923
Renovated in 2016
Available from now on
Reference RO622


2557m - 52 min
Primary schools
189m - 4 min
Secondary schools
2454m - 50 min


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    This property is proposed by

    Chemin du Verger 8
    1700 Fribourg

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