Cardis SA

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Single house 5.5 rooms

CHF 1'320'000.-

1564 Domdidier
170 m² • 5.5 rooms

Le Clos de Chany - Domdidier

In the heart of Basse-Broye, Le Clos de Chany is a new project which fits harmoniously into the village context of Domdidier.

Discover 14 semi-detached or individual villas, with contemporary architecture and generous living spaces.
The promotion enjoys a calm environment, close to all amenities and activities. Everything is combined to benefit from an ideal living environment.

All accommodations consist of 5.5 rooms, including 4 bedrooms, on two floors. Each house has a large garden, a terrace and a large garage.

Project location: Route de Chany 93, 1564 Domdidier

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Ground floor
267 m² (surface areas)
239 m² (usable areas)
Built in 2023
Available on request
Reference 033433.033433.Lot 3.3.033446.Lot 3.3D


New building


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    This property is proposed by

    Cardis SA
    Boulevard de Pérolles 16
    1700 Fribourg

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