C-Service Promotions Sàrl

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Residential building

CHF 675'000.-

1868 Collombey
150 m²

Building with 2 apartments in Collombey

In this pretty building in Collombey, you will find 2 apartments and ideal for yield.
a 3.5 room apartment on the ground floor and a 2.5 room duplex upstairs currently rented.

it is located near the church, a stone's throw from an AOMC train stop and 5 minutes by car from all shopping centers, schools and highways.

The 3.5 room apartment on the ground floor is renovated. The 2 apartments have large terraces to enjoy generous sunshine.

2 outdoor parking spaces totaling 20,000.-- in addition to the sale price.

Ideal for an investment, but would also be suitable for a primary residence.

Further information

Available from now on
Reference 1298021




This property is proposed by

C-Service Promotions Sàrl
Avenue de la Gare 36
1870 Monthey

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