C-Service Promotions Sàrl

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Single house 5.5 rooms

CHF 407'000.-

1955 Chamoson
193 m² • 5.5 rooms

Protected village house with annexed barn

You are here on a very interesting particular property! For lovers of stones and atypical goods.

We currently have 1 house of 5.5 rooms built in the 1700s on a lower ground, an upper ground and attic. This house also has a large cellar in the basement.
Attached to this property by a large terrace, a barn.

A building permit had been issued but never carried out (available)

Architectural plans were made on these properties using all the parts and thus creating 3 lots of:

Barn part: 1x 2.5 room duplex: 1 bedroom of approximately 15m, bathroom and upstairs kitchen, living room with access to a shared terrace

On the existing part of the house, the project here is 2 lots:

Part of the house on the ground floor: lot 2 in 2 rooms: 1 bedroom, 1 living room, 1 kitchen, 1 shower room

Part 1 and attic: lot 3 in 6.5 room duplex: 1 bedroom, 1 office, 1 living room, kitchen with dining area on the ground floor and attic 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, mezzanine.

There will remain a cellar part and a technical room and an undercover parking space and a garden.

As you can see, this property has definite potential with the possibility of renovating the house or creating 3 apartments. at choice !

All technical data is of course before renovation

Further information

770 m³
340 m² (usable areas)
Available on request
Reference 1372747




This property is proposed by

C-Service Promotions Sàrl
Avenue de la Gare 36
1870 Monthey

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Contact Pierre-Alain Castro

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