Bulliard Immobilier SA

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Single house 9.5 rooms

CHF 1'190'000.-

1634 La Roche FR
300 m² • 2 bathrooms • 9.5 rooms

1634 La Roche FR, Réf V0707_B

Bulliard Immobilier has the advantage of presenting to you this authentic farm typical of the region, a residence full of character offering a unique living experience.

The house is ideally located in the centre of the village of La Roche, offering convenient proximity to amenities whilst allowing you to enjoy the peace and quiet of country living.

This 9.5 room farmhouse exudes authenticity and charm. Its unique character is revealed through its wooden beams, thick walls and preserved architectural elements. The property has benefited from renovations preserving its original charm while offering modern comfort. In good condition, it is ready to welcome a new family who will be able to immediately enjoy its warm atmosphere.

Further information

625 m² (surface areas)
Built in 1700
Renovated in 2012
Available on request
Reference V0707_B


190m - 4 min
Primary schools
249m - 5 min
Secondary schools
8061m - 162 min


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    This property is proposed by

    Bulliard Immobilier SA
    Route d'Agy 10
    1763 Granges-Paccot

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