BFR Immobilier Jacques Savioz

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Single house 4 rooms

CHF 475'000.-

3976 Noës
92 m² • 3 bedrooms • 1 bathroom • 4 rooms

FOR SALE - NOËS (Sierre) - Local 4½ room house and land 469 m2 with garden shed


NOËS (Sierre)

4½ room residential house built in 1990, in very good condition, including:

On the lower ground floor:

Living room/kitchen/dining area with wood stove, 1 WC-sink, 1 technical room/laundry room, 1 cellar, staircase.
Direct exit onto a single-storey terrace, facing west, and access to the garden.

On the upper ground floor:

Entrance hall and staircase, parents' bedroom, 1 bathroom.

In the attic:

Staircase and landing, two small attic children's bedrooms.

The house offers a gross surface area of 91.70 m2, The cellar and the technical room total 14.65 m2. A storage room of 21.75 m2 is available nearby.
An outdoor parking space (for two small vehicles) is located in front of the main entrance, on the upper ground floor.

The plots totaling 469 m2 are laid out as a lawn and vegetable garden, supplemented by a garden shed.

The whole is very well located, with easy access, and benefits from maximum sunshine.


Further information

83 m² (usable areas)
Available on request
Reference BFR271




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    This property is proposed by

    BFR Immobilier Jacques Savioz
    Route de Sion 63
    3960 Sierre

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