Bernard Nicod Montreux - Ventes

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CHF 1'400'000.-

1820 Montreux

Commercial premises for sale in the Center of Montreux

In the city center! Commercial space for sale of 309 m2

In the Atrium project, currently under construction, at Rue de l'Eglise-Catholique 9, we offer you this large activity area of 309 m2, with indoor parking spaces.

The area would be ideal for a fitness center, school, storage, offices, medical or dental practice, etc.
The surface is sold raw, the finishes are at the choice and responsibility of the purchasers according to their needs.
Delivery February 2027 at the latest.

Do not hesitate to ask for an on-site visit as well as a detailed brochure.
For information: Mrs. Lucrèce Constantin

Further information

Built in 2024
Available on request
Reference 23-403-04/4


New building
Minergie certified
Built according to Minergie standards


This property is proposed by

Bernard Nicod Montreux - Ventes
Rue du Théâtre 5
1820 Montreux

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