benoît dorsaz immobilier Sàrl

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Contact David Reuse

Single house 6.5 rooms

CHF 240'000.-

3973 Venthône
3 bedrooms • 1 bathroom • 6.5 rooms

3973 Venthône, Réf 5259722

benoît dorsaz immobilier presents this village house to be completely renovated in the village of Venthône.

The current construction measures approximately 134 m2 on the ground over two floors.

Ideal project for lovers of old buildings or craftsmen.

Two parking spaces are included on a second plot next to the house.

Please do not hesitate to contact us for further information or to arrange a visit / David Reuse

Further information

323 m² (surface areas)
Built in 1700
Available from now on
Reference 5259722


Children friendly


322m - 7 min
Nursery school
260m - 6 min
Primary schools
260m - 6 min


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    This property is proposed by

    benoît dorsaz immobilier Sàrl
    Route Cantonale 51
    1964 Conthey

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    To visit

    Contact David Reuse

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