Alliance Immobilière Genevoise

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Single house 30 rooms

1807 Blonay
800 m² • 30 rooms

Superb estate with lake view

This Patrician residence with panoramic views of the lake and the Alps is located on the Vaud Riviera.
The estate extends over more than 17,000m2 and in addition to the main building, which alone has more than 660m2 of living space with indoor swimming pool, it includes outbuildings, a tennis court and greenhouses. 

Full details at the agency.

Further information

17000 m² (surface areas)
Built in 1968
Renovated in 2004
Available on request
Reference 5089866


Children friendly


This property is proposed by

Alliance Immobilière Genevoise
Ch. Ph. de Sauvage 37
1219 Châtelaine

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