Albéric Immobilier Sàrl

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Mixed use property

CHF 2'300'000.-

1926 Fully

Commercial building with Penthouse 4.5p

Albéric Immobilier offers you this large commercial building, in Fully. Ideally located, on a plot of 1700m2, in zone 0.7, offers large spaces, as well as a very interesting potential yield.

This building is composed as follows:

Basements: boiler room, technical room, kitchen, as well as several storage rooms and deposits.

Ground floor: A Café - Restaurant as well as several dining rooms. Large performance hall. A second Bar with separate entrance.

Floor: Several rooms as well as a 4.5p apartments with attic.

This accommodation offers the following amenities: in the center of the village, close to public transport, easy access, close to schools and other shops.

Complete file on request.

NB: Visit only in the presence and with the prior agreement of the real estate agency Albéric Immobilier. We are not responsible for any location errors generated by internet portals.

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Further information

1700 m² (surface areas)
Available on request
Reference 2570


This property is proposed by

Albéric Immobilier Sàrl
19, route de la Morge
1964 Conthey

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